Unique Beit Hamikdash Shiur Series for the Three Weeks
Join us for a special series of shiurim that bring the Beit Hamikdash and the Avoda to life and punctuate how lacking our lives are without them. Includes groundbreaking new findings that are being publicized for the first time by Eliezer Meir Saidel, Director of Machon Lechem Hapanim, Israel.
Lechem Hapanim and the Power of a Smile , Sunday 20 Tammuz (12 July), 11am - 12:15pm EDT
A riveting shiur linking the Hasmonean dynasty to human physiology and modern economics, in an attempt to find the hidden connection between the Lechem Hapanim and wealth.
You may find a recording of this shiur at -
The Mikdash Within Us, Sunday 27 Tammuz (19 July), 11am - 12:15pm EDT
Startling new research uncovering reflections of the Beit Hamikdash in our human anatomy and physiology, on a visible and even on a microsopic cellular level.
You may find a recording of this shiur at -
Baking the Lechem Hapanim - Live Simulation, Sunday 5 Av (26 July), 11am - 1pm EDT
For the first time in almost 2000 years, watch a live simulation of baking the Lechem Hapanim, including mixing the dough, shaping the bread, baking it, switching the sets on the Shulchan. Accompanied by detailed explanations and full scale models of the keilim and the Shulchan. A must see!
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